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Bracklyn Wind Farm - Community Raffle

Proud sponsors of local Delvin Rafflee in aid of Delvin St. Patrick's Day Festival.

The collaboration between the raffle organisers and the Bracklyn Wind Farm Community

team has had a positive impact and guarantees that the local community truly benefits from

this project.

Project Manager James Carville states, "We are delighted to have the opportunity to support

the local community for such an event and also lead the prizegiving for this event - €1000

towards an electricity bill. Building strong relationships in the area and supporting the

community over the lifetime of the project".

This sponsorship sets the stage for further funding when the wind farm is operational. It’s a

perfect example of the community and wind farm working together to build something

long-lasting and leave a legacy for the Bracklyn and Delvin areas.


Carrickallen Wind Farm
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