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Carrickallen Wind Farm Grant funds St. Brigid's outdoor classroom shelter

Carrickallen Wind Farm 2023 community funding supported St. Brigids outdoor classroom shelter. Teresa from St.Brigids school initially contacted the liaison team to see what the best fit for community grants would be.

"We got the new shelter because we had no covered area for the children to stay out of the rain. Children experience freedom when they play outside. Outdoor play is a natural way for children of all ages to do physical activity. It’s good for children’s health and well-being to be physically active through play. It is important to allow children space and freedom to play outdoors and to not worry about the weather. This shelter will protect against the rain and also the sun.

We can also use the Shelter for Classroom activities e.g. science , maths, storytime, drama, PE and lots of other activities"

We are thankful for Teresa and the team in St Brigid's for taking part and showcasing the impacts community grants can have in our area. We look forward to welcoming more funding suggestions and collaborations from St Brigid's in the years to come!

For infomation on our wind farms, grants and community projects, please call Deirdre, our Community Liaison on 087 1163978


Carrickallen Wind Farm
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